San Diego Cooperative Charter School

Cultivating empathic and inspired learners since 2000.


San Diego Cooperative Charter School

Cultivating empathic and inspired learners since 2000. TK-8.


San Diego Cooperative Charter School

Cultivating empathic and inspired learners since 2000.


Get to Know Us

At San Diego Cooperative Charter School(SDCCS), we cultivate empathetic learners and partner with families to help every child succeed. Come join our community today!


Tuition-Free Academic Excellence

We inspire all TK-8 learners with a challenging, hands-on curriculum that encourages creativity and prepares our graduates for success in high school and beyond.

Nurturing Empathetic Learners

Our caring, positive school culture and commitment to Whole Child Education supports every student to reach their full potential.

Parents As Partners

SDCCS is a chosen community and place of belonging for all families. Parent involvement is key to student success, and we welcome families as learning partners. 


Our staff of teachers, administrators and counselors are professional, credentialed educators who love coming to work each day. They live the values of the SDCCS mission and embrace their roles as nurturers of the next generation of dreamers and doers.


Hands On Experiences & Project-Based Learning

Our innovative curriculum features hands-on learning at all grade levels, blended project-based teaching that develops cross-curriculum experiences, and cross-age classrooms to inspire peer learning and connection.

Arts, Environment, Service Learning

We embrace creativity with designated art and music programs, environmental education, and service learning opportunities that apply academics to life.

Students Who Care

Our students are empathetic learners who are engaged in the world around them. We value environmental stewardship and challenge our graduates to dream their futures through a lens of social justice.

Academics For All

Project-based learning encourages academically motivated students to explore topics at a pace that reflects their learning style. Our skilled counselors and specialists offer tutoring and academic support for students who qualify.

Amazing Field Trips

For all grade levels, we take learning outside the classroom to visit local museums, historical sites and environmental learning centers throughout the year.

Personal Connections

Our small school environment nurtures all learners through small class sizes and personal connections between our parents, teachers and staff. Our younger grades incorporate a looping model of teaching that enables teachers to better understand and support their students’ abilities.

Positive School Culture

Our progressive school embraces diversity and values each unique student. We are committed to maintaining a positive, warm and welcoming environment for all learners.


Two Decades of Innovative Education

Two Decades of Innovative Education

For 20 years, San Diego Cooperative Charter School (SDCCS) has been educating TK-8 students with a tuition-free curriculum that engages and inspires. The ways that we have delivered this education have grown and evolved over the past two decades, but one element has...

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SDCCS: A Unique Place to Grow

SDCCS: A Unique Place to Grow

San Diego Cooperative Charter School is a warm, inclusive TK-8 community. We pride ourselves on the unique and creative ways that we engage with our students to make learning impactful - and fun! If you haven’t visited our campus, come take a tour and we’ll show you...

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Does Homework Help

Does Homework Help

As our springtime days get longer, many students are heading home from school with homework the last thing on their minds. From spending time with family to playing outside with friends, children can find endless reasons to skip school work and have fun. Should we be...

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Interested in enrolling at San Diego Co-Op?

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