Teacher: Jean Dugan, Math/Science
In this 8th Grade Social-Emotional/Science Unit, students learned about the brain:
- neuroplasticity (our brains change all the time)
- back to front development (that means that the prefrontal cortex of a teen is not fully developed)
- synaptic pruning (use it or lose it)
- how learning happens (neurons that fire together, wire together)
- the brain reward system and the DOSE neurotransmitters (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins)
- growth mindset vs. fixed mindset
They chose the audience, problem, and action item/solution.
Enjoy their creativity, and learn from their messages.
Growth Mindset
(audience: 5th and up)
Be Positive
(audience: everyone)
No Vaper
(audience: 5th)
Computer Rage
(audience: 3rd and up)
Vaping is Bad
(audience: middle school and high school)
How Vaping Affects Your Brain
(audience: high school)
The No Dropouts
(audience: high school)
(audience: 2nd grade)
Use It or Lose It
(audience: high school)
Why Parents Should Regulate Screen Time
(audience: parents, 5th and up)
Brain Development
(audience: parents)
Endorphins are Dope
(audience: 2nd grade)
Human Brain Growth
(audience: everyone)
What is Happening to My Kid
(audience: parents)