Information on Re-Opening for On-Campus Learning

Dear Families,

We hope you are doing well and staying safe. We are moving forward with our plans to open a hybrid program on January 19. We have worked closely with our teaching staff to construct plans to meet the needs of our students and staff. Students will have the opportunity to participate in on-campus learning two days a week and distance learning the other three days of the week. Wednesdays will remain a day for electives and independent learning to provide time for our staff for planning and meetings.

We are creating programs that have small class sizes so that the kids will be socially distanced, the programs will look slightly different by grade level.

**Important Notes PLEASE READ:

Our instructional staff is the foundation of our program. This plan incorporates the needs of all of our teaching staff while providing opportunities for students to receive instruction and support for 2 days per week on campus.

With this plan, siblings may not be scheduled for the same days. For families this causes hardship for, and who are willing to switch teachers, we will work to accommodate your needs. We cannot honor any requests for students to be in the same group as their friends or with carpools.

The plans will be described below by grade level. Your student’s teacher will also send out more information that will be specific to that grade level and teacher. Please make sure to review our Risk Reduction Plan for the two weeks following winter break. We will be sending home a google form for families who have chosen on-campus learning to acknowledge that they have read and understand the plan. We will also be hosting another Zoom meeting for families to ask questions.

SDCCS Risk Reduction Plan

January 4-18, 2021

For families planning to return to on-site learning, we are asking for you to follow the guidelines below to keep our entire community safe.

Our ability to return safely really depends on you. We have created these two weeks of risk reduction to ensure that if families did travel or expose themselves during the holidays we will have a chance to identify those who are ill. We have many protocols in place at school to reduce the risk of spreading of COVID-19 included in a link below. Our staff is really relying on you to help keep us safe as students return and your participation is so greatly appreciated.


    We are asking you to reduce risk by not traveling for non-essential reasons and staying home as much as possible.
    We are asking you to reduce risk whenever possible by not gathering with those beyond your immediate household.
    If anyone in your family travels out of the state we ask that the family quarantine for two weeks upon the travelers’ return. This will help to keep the greater community safe. Students will be able to participate in the distance learning program during this time.
    We are asking you to get a COVID-19 test for your students if they have been in close contact with someone who is COVID positive or has symptoms of COVID. Individuals over 12 can utilize the free test sites provided by the county: children under the age of 12 can be tested by their doctor, or you can dial 411 for testing information.
    All SDCCS families should have awareness of COVID-19 prevention strategies

    Members of the same household are encouraged to maintain physical and mental health by safely going to a park, hike, walk or bike ride when safe to do so and socially distanced. Families are also encouraged to keep connected with loved ones virtually.
    Worship and political expression are permitted outdoors, consistent with existing guidance for those activities however we would encourage virtual participation during these two weeks.


    The school campus will be closed during the two-week Risk Reduction Period in order for our staff to adhere to the same guidelines we are asking of families.
    All staff will get COVID tested prior to returning to on-campus learning.
    We too will be following the guidelines above to protect you and your family. In addition, we have created the following protocols to keep you and yours safe here at school. SDCCS Systems and Protocols in Place for a Safe Return

In compliance with AB 685 Consistent with California’s efforts to track and trace COVID-19 cases, it is imperative that positive COVID-19 tests or diagnoses be reported immediately in the occupational setting, to members of the public, and to relevant state agencies.